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Kolozsvári layered sauerkraut - Kolozsvári rakott káposzta

3 tbsp. oil
1 onion
700 g sauerkraut
350 g minced pork
1 tbsp. minced meat spice mix
100 g of rice
100 g smoked bacon
150 g of Kolbász
1 tbsp. Paprika powder
Salt and pepper to taste
2 dl crème fraiche

Preparation method
Wash the sauerkraut thoroughly in water. Steam the sauerkraut in some oil and cook the rice in the meantime. Fry the chopped onion in oil in another pan. Remove this from the heat and sprinkle with paprika powder and add the minced meat. Season the minced meat with salt, pepper, the spice mix and add the rice. Cover the pan and let it simmer briefly.

Slice the kolbász. Place a layer of sauerkraut on the bottom in a greased ovenproof dish. Place a layer of minced meat and a few slices of kolbász on top. Form a number of layers and sprinkle with crème fraîche in between. The topping consists of sauerkraut with a layer of crème fraîche. Divide the smoked bacon on this. Place the dish in the middle of a preheated oven for 20 minutes. In this way the Kolozsvári rakott káposzta receives a deliciously crispy topping.

Enjoy your meal / jó étvágyat!

Preparation time:  ± 50 min.

Below you will find the products used in this dish:

Gyulai Paprika kolbász
Házi Kolozsvári szalonna Hungarian bacon
Házi Császárszalonna Hungarian bacon
Házi Erdélyi szalonna Hungarian garlic bacon
Házi Császárszalonna Hungarian roasted bacon
Házi Tarja roasted Hungarian procureur
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