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Korhelyleves soup

Ingredients (4 pers.)
1 onion
400 g sauerkraut
400 g of smoked resin chop
1 half a tbsp. Paprika powder
200 ml of crème fraiche
150 g of kolbász
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp. Paprika cream
1 bay leaf
1 tsp. marjoram
1 tbsp. flower
2 cloves of garlic (and or Garlic cream)

Preparation method
Cook the smoked resin chop in a generous amount of water. Then set the cooked meat aside. In the meantime, wash the sauerkraut and finely chop it. Peel and chop the onion and fry in a generous dash of oil. Use a large soup pan for this. Remove the pan from the heat and sprinkle the onion with Paprika powder. Pour the meat stock and add the washed sauerkraut. Cut the meat into pieces and add it to the pan. Season it with pepper, marjoram and the Paprika cream and bring to the boil. Add the garlic and bay leaf and let the soup simmer covered.

In the meantime, cut the kolbász into slices and enrich the soup as soon as the sauerkraut is soft. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix the crème fraîche with flour and stir it into the soup. Let it cook for a while. Serve with bread and a spoon of Erős Pista.

Enjoy your meal / jó étvágyat!

Preparation time: ± 60 minutes

Below you will find the products used in this dish:

Házi Home-smoked kolbász
Univer Paprika cream
Univer Garlic cream
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